I Talk About All Things Forbidden in this Conversation with the Sinister Soup Podcast
Last November I had the opportunity to sit down with Clay and Travis Vermulm of the Sinister Soup Podcast to talk about my Forbidden Scrolls Trilogy. It's a weekly podcast where they talk about books, movies, TV shows, etc, and they do a featured indie author interview every month. At the time we touched base with each other to set up the interview, The Last Sorcerers was still fresh off its late September launch. So with us sitting down when we did, I was able to delve into some details about the series as a whole while it was still fresh in my mind.
Fast Forward to late March and the launch of The Miranda Project was fast approaching just as my episode aired. I had known it wasn't going to air until 2022 at the time I recorded it, and the timing couldn't have been better I had a great time talking all things fantasy, as well as some D&D as both brothers are writers and into table top RPG's. It's fair to say there was a lot of common ground.
Anyway, here's the podcast episode linked below. I had a great time and it's a pretty quick half hour listen. And stick through to the end when they do a reading of an excerpt of The Forbidden Scrolls.